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The end is nigh: generic solving of text-based captchas
web security

The end is nigh: generic solving of text-based captchas

WOOT 2014

Easy does it: more usable captchas
user experience

Easy does it: more usable captchas

CHI 2014

The Art of Breaking and Designing CAPTCHAS
web security

The Art of Breaking and Designing CAPTCHAS

RSA 2012

How we broke the nucaptcha video scheme and what we propose to fix it
web security

How we broke the nucaptcha video scheme and what we propose to fix it

Feb 2012

Text-based captcha strengths and weaknesses
web security

Text-based captcha strengths and weaknesses

CCS 2011

The failure of noise-based non-continuous audio captchas
web security

The failure of noise-based non-continuous audio captchas

S&P 2011

Five surprising captcha schemes
web security

Five surprising captcha schemes

Mar 2011

How good are humans at solving captchas a large scale evaluation
web security

How good are humans at solving captchas a large scale evaluation

S&P 2010

Decaptcha breaking 75% of ebay audio captchas
web security

Decaptcha breaking 75% of ebay audio captchas

WOOT 2009

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